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tools & techniques

Transformational Coaching

Anna studied transformational coaching with Full Circle in 2022 gaining her certificate in professional coaching practice, accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

She went to study specialised niches in Team Coaching and Executive Coaching with Full Circle, also certified by the ICF.

“We are innately wild, connected and empowered beings and we have everything inside ourselves to be the change. It’s in our DNA.”

Tony Riddle

NatLife™ Immersion

Anna completed her NatLife Coach training in the very first cohort of NatLife coaches with the Natural Lifestylist, Tony Riddle in 2023, having been a member of the NatLife® Tribe since 2022.

Coaching modalities focus on our physical, social and spiritual needs and include:

  • The fundamentals, theory and practice of re-wilding human movement

  • Breathwork and Circadian Rhythm – anatomy, physiology, regulation of and effects on the nervous system and hormones.

  • Cold exposure – ice baths and their impact on human physiology and health

  • Nature Immersion, ecofluency and Forest Therapy (shinrin-yoku)

  • Diet, nutrition, digestion and gut health

  • Benefits and practices of deep sleep and rest

  • Holding space, ceremony and ritual

“Yoga begins when we set aside all concern but to hold space for what moves in the depths of our hearts. Because when we follow our hearts, we begin to unwind. We disentangle from the threads of our thinking and we make space for our inner light to shine.”

Ty Lyndrum


Anna has practiced yoga for over 25 years drawn initially to physical asana practice to build strength, stamina and flexibility - then to the merging of breath and movement as a moving meditation and to the benefits of the committing to practice, discipline and alignment. The longer she has practiced the more fluid her yoga practice has become drawing each day on different trainings and practices according to what her body feels it needs. Increasingly she has been drawn into deeper study of yogic philosophy, breathing (pranayama) techniques and Dhyana (meditation). Anna has also studied Buddhist and Daoist philosophy, self-shiatsu and has practiced Kundalini yoga and breathwork.

Anna’s yoga training includes:

  • Ashtanga yoga Teacher Training (250 hours) with Ashtanga yoga Glastonbury (accredited by yoga alliance professionals) (2014)

  • Yin Yoga Teacher Training (40 hours) with Norman Blair (2020)

  • Into the Depths – a year of yoga philosophy immersion (2022-23) with Ty Lyndrum

Continual Professional Development (CPDs) workshops include with:

  • Lucy Crawford

  • Nancy Gilgoff

  • Gregor Maehle

  • Petri Räisänen

  • Joey Miles

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Breathwork & Meditation

Anna completed her breathwork instructor course with Michael Bijker (yogalap) in 2023, accredited by yoga alliance professionals. She also studied pranayama alongside her yoga trainings and studied Wim Hof and conscious connected breathwork techniques through NatLife® methodologies, including through cold immersion training.

Anna has developed her own meditation practice through joining various retreats and programmes over the years including Vipassana, Insight Meditation, silent retreats (Gaia House), Zen meditation, courses with Ram Dass and friends and through her own exploration of guided meditations (Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach) and mindfulness (Thich Nhat Hanh).

“Finding yourself is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who your were before the world got its hands on you.”

Stuart Sandeman

Self-enquiry & growth

Through self-study, personal coaching and programmes and courses Anna has developed and collected a wide array of frameworks, tools, readings and daily well-being practices. Through them we shine a light and dig underneath our superficial realities, bearing witness to our habits, patterns, thoughts, fears and triggers and can begin unlearning, reframing and deeply valuing the life we hold within us.

“When we listen to our bodies, our bodily wisdom grows. We can feel the body's urge to move and honor its cycles of rest, we can meditate and dance, we can respect its need for solitude….when the mandala of awakening includes rather than excludes the body, our gifts can flower and our heart remains free.”

Jack Kornfield


Embodiment is the act of being aware as a body, feeling through the body. Though embodied practices – such as yoga or T’ai chi we can sink into true embodiment, aligning breath with body, feeling first and foremost through our body as distinct to doing it as an exercise or simply being aware of, rather than through, our bodies.

If we can deeply sink into the wisdom of our bodies, out of the mind, and into a deeper awareness in our bodies we experience a new sense – the ‘felt sense’ or body-mind connection and we begin to understand how and where our bodies ‘keep the score’ of memories, feelings, trauma. If we feel this, we can begin to shift and dissolve stuckness, pain and fear and begin a path of self-healing.

The practices of yoga, meditation and nature immersion shared through anâhata coaching can all lead us to greater embodiment. Anna has also collected a range of embodiment exercises and approaches to assist people to sink into the wisdom and energetics of their bodies. Through the work she has done, Anna has a developing interest in Somatic Experiencing and Tension and Trauma release Exercises (TRE).

“An extraordinary life is all about daily, continuous improvements in the areas that matter most.”

Robin Sharma

Mindset and purpose

Anna has developed and collected frameworks and tools to assist people to efficiently maximise their impact and productivity and to work towards their dreams and purpose.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”


Organisational & leadership coaching

Anna is an ICF accredited Executive Coach and Team Coach having trained with Full Circle in 2023.

Anna has spent the best part of her life working in international development and social impact and has always held an innate commitment to alleviating suffering and disparity and working towards innovative solutions to benefit people and planet. She has also experienced and witnessed first-hand how so many working in service of others, with passion and determination for a ‘greater good’ can begin to neglect themselves which in turn impacts the outcome of their work. Anna is passionate about working with clients in social and environmental start-ups, NGOs and social enterprises to help them keep their own cups full, to truly align their work with their vision and work through challenges in the workplace.

Anna’s experience in this area:

  • Founder and Director of award-winning Charity, PhotoVoice (1998-2008)

  • MBA focussed on social enterprise, University of Oxford (2008-9)

  • Strategic and business consultant for Social Enterprise and Charities (2009-2015)

  • Executive Director of Action Village India (2016-2019)

“Letting go of the effort and uniting with the infinite.”


Interested in any of the above? Book an exploratory
call to find out more.