why have coaching?

My style of coaching

anâhata coaching will guide you to sink into your feelings and intuition, to develop greater self-awareness, self-respect, self-compassion and clarity.

It will help you untangle and unlearn negative and repetitive thought patterns, recognise your triggers and understand why they arise, and will guide you to feel into your heart-space and your deeper knowing and challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. You will tap into a greater sense of peace, fulfilment and alignment with your true nature, desires and purpose.

“A rare, confidential and safe space to explore who you are, what really matters and what more you want from life at work, home or play.”

My core values as a coach are:

Integrity * Compassionate listening * Belief in you

I hold these values out to you, inviting you tostep in to a greater:

Alignment * Balance * Confidence * Connection Courage * Curiosity * Health * Joy * Pleasure * Purpose

When might I need coaching?


Joy, happiness, a deeper sense of fulfilment, more energy and control over where you’re going. Who doesn’t want that out of life? Upping your health and mindset to the next level. Coaching can guide you to all of this.

Points of transition

You may be in a period of change, ending arelationship, changing jobs, moving home or location, retiring or going back to a job after intense work raising young beings. These times can be unsettling, throwing up many questions, doubts and opportunities. Coaching can provide you with the skills to develop new daily routines and self-care practices to see you through, or time to work and strategies outhow to optimise what you want.

Feeling stuck or overwhelmed

Stuck in a rut, can’t find joy or inspiration and can’t find your way out? Coaching can help you understand what is keeping you stuck and empower you to find your way out through asking you powerful questions and supporting youenvision your goals and to take small practical ongoing steps.

Facing challenges at home or work

You may be facing a specific challenge in any aspect of your life. Coaching can help you work it through, gain new perspectives and ask you the questions to best strategise what to do. It may guide you to the realisation there is something deeper at the root cause that you need to address that will not only shift this challenge but others that may have also appeared for you.

Knowing you want more out of life

Be it joy, satisfaction, re-igniting that discarded dream or knowing there is something out there for you but you can’t quite access it. Coaching can help you sink deeper into yourself and connection with the world and others. As a coach I can ask powerful questions and help you sink into a deeper knowing and the guidance to follow your deepest dreams and wants.

Knowing you want or need to make a change

You know you want to do it, but you may not quite know how. You may fear losing what you know and be in a cycle of ‘better the life you know than that you don’t.’ But it’s nagging away. Coaching can help you make the break, to confront you fears and concerns and dissolve them – guiding you to thrive not just survive.

Have a specific health or lifestyle issue you know you need to address

anâhata coaching can help with physical issues relating to fitness and mobility, the rediscovery of functional natural movement, strength and flexibility as well as with emotional and mental issues such as anxiety, lack of confidence or feeling down. It can help you put in place practical daily routines to sustain you growth independently. anâhata coaching does not address issues from a conventional medical approach but can be used to complement medical intervention and rehabilitation or as a stand-alone natural holistic body-mind approach.

Why you may think you don’t need
coaching or want to invest in it…

Let me answer some reasons people commonly come up with to talk themselves out of coaching and the wonders it can provide…

  • I honestly believe everyone, wherever they are can benefit from coaching, from a safe confidential space for exploration and expression. It is a simple truth that when we speak something, when we say it aloud, when we hear it – something shifts - it’s out in the ether, the burden lessens physically and mentally - the first step has been taken. From there we can explore, accept, realise it wasn’t true in the first place or begin to explore what to do about it. Sometimes the first step is the hardest, because in saying it we can no longer ignore it. It’s hard for a reason – but it will feel right.

  • Amazing. I wish everyone could say this – actually sadly, surprisingly few can. And if we do – are we feeling that support, are we having enough of the important conversations we want to, are we even making time for them? And when we do how does it work? Do you talk about you and your experience and then your friend talks about theirs – offering advice from their experience? These connections, these conversations, this community is so powerful and it is so important. But what would it be like if sometimes you could just talk about you and have it reflected back to you for you to reconsider – no perspective, no having to take on board someone else’s experience, emotion, feelings – no judgement – simply for you? How would that feel? What could you gain?

  • This is the most common excuse of all. It’s so good to be busy – isn’t it – to have a packed calendar – to feel needed and wanted, of value. To pack it all in, perhaps to make the most of life – an amazing perspective and of great reward. But look at that diary, examine how you spend your day. Is it all making you feel truly alive, is it all serving you, are you really getting the sustenance you need for body and mind. Are there habits which you want to break – automation of watching the tele or drinking a bit too much after having the one to just relax. Do you use the same reason to not move your body to take physical exercise, to get outside? There isn’t one of us who doesn’t know it’s a good thing to do – but are we doing it – and how do we feel when we don’t? How we spend our time is our choice. We are in control. Not only that but there are a myriad of ways of spending time that will repay you with more energy, greater efficiency and productivity and more joy in doing the things we truly choose to. It isn’t about how much we do, how long we spend doing something but about doing what we do attentively, effectively and with passion and conviction. Coaching can help you get the most out of each and every day when you walk this earth. And if you believe this or at least want to give it a go the time is there for you to make.

  • This was me – for years – it was quite extreme - about yoga or spending time by myself or going on a retreat – even about stopping for half an hour, having a cup of tea, sitting down! ‘It’s not serving anyone except myself – I’ve got to keep going’. NOT TRUE. It starts with us – each and every one of us - you look after YOU and you will be able to truly look after others keeping your cup topped up.

    Spending time with yourself is the singular most important thing you can do to improve your relationship with yourself, your health, your connection to the life you lead and to your relationships with others – friends and partners. Yet the truth is until you stop and spend time with yourself – you won’t even begin to uncover what it is you really need. Paying attention to your self ripples in magical ways – your energy, your vibration matters – the simple feat of raising your vibration and your intention reverberates in the world. You can explain it spiritually – you can also explain it through quantum physics!

  • Money and how to spend it is a choice. It’s a sad fact some in our society and in many places round the world people simply don’t have the money for the basics – physical safety – food and shelter – and if these needs are not met we can’t tend to our emotional, spiritual or higher needs. But beyond the basics it is a choice and the choice is each of ours to make. Look to answer one simple truth in your decision – what will make me happier? Is it a new comfort for the home, a new item of clothing or gadget or do you believe happiness can be found through something else – a new relationship with myself, in my mindset, in my confidence, in digging a bit deeper, in reframing my habits, in making time for more of what I find joy in, in learning how to be healthier, in retuning my relationships. Are you willing to give it a go? That is the question.

  • Many of us, particularly, but by no means only, women, and particularly those with dependents – older or younger, prioritise our spending or time on giving to them above ourselves. It is a wholly justified, sometimes necessary and beautiful decision to give to others. But answer one question, who will benefit from you being happier, from witnessing you step into your greater powers and strengths, from following your dreams? Is it just you? Or will it have a positive impact on others too? And what if, just imagine, if investing in yourself, in making some changes may even lead you to stepping more quickly into greater financial comfort for yourself and those you love, if that’s what you desire and focus on. What if spending time on yourself led to the time you spent with others being time when you are more present, calmer, les reactive, more switched on?

“Invest in yourself and you, and others, can reap rewards in manifold ways – it’s up to you.”


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